Movies based on scientific or technologic topics

  1. Oppenheimer (2023), a movie describing the life and work of Dr Oppenheimer in the development of the Manhattan project for the construction of the nuclear bomb and also years after that with his role against more nuclear weapons. A must see movie. Watch trailer.
  2. Radioactivity (2020), a biographic movie of Marie Curie that is worth watching. Remarkable life of one of the most iconic scientists of all times. Watch trailer.
  3. Adventures of a Mathematician(2021), a movie based on the true story of the young polish mathematician Stanislaw Ulam and his contribution to the development of the Hydrogen bomb along with other scientists and the moral conflict that came with that. Watch trailer.
  4. Lorenzo’s Oil (1992), a movie based on the true story of parents without science degree that fights to find a cure to a rare and incurable disease of his young son. Watch trailer.
  5. Extraordinary Measures (2010), a movie based on a true story of parents (John and Aileen Crowley), who founded a biotechnology company to develop a drug to save the lives of their children that had Pompe’s disease. Watch trailer.
  6. Decoding Annie Parker (2013), a movie based on the life of Annie Parker and her discovery of the BRCA1 breast cancer gene, the first connection of cancer and inherited gene. Watch trailer.
  7. A beautiful mind (2001), is a biographic movie based on the life of the American mathematician John Nash, a Nobel Laureate in Economics and Abel Prize winner and his fight against schizophrenia. Watch trailer.
  8. Awakening (1990), is based on the true story of the development of levodopa treatments for neurologic disease carried out by the famous neuroscientist Oliver Sacks. Watch its trailer.
  9. The theory of everything (2014), is based on the life of of the theoretical physicist and A brief story of Time author Stephen Hawkins. It describes Hawking’s diagnosis of ALS, and his success in the field of physics. Watch a trailer.
  10. The imitation game (2014), is a great movie on the life of the mathematician, cryptanalyst and computing pioneer Alan Turing. His exceptional mind made an important contribution to the Allies helping to win WWII. Watch a trailer.
  11. Nise: o coração da loucura (2016), this Brazilian movie covers changes of the treatment of metal disease promoted by Dr Nise da Silveira in the Psychiatric Hospital Engenho de Dentro in Rio de Janeiro. She introduced care, love and art making a major impact. A touching movie that is worth watching. Watch a trailer.
  12. Temple Grandin (2010), is based on the life of Temple Grandin, an autistic woman who revolutionized practices for the humane handling of livestock on cattle ranches and slaughterhouses. Watch a trailer.
  13. Hidden Figures (2016), is a movie based on the true history of three black female mathematicians and their key contributions to NASA during the space race. Watch a trailer.
  14. Still Alice  (2014), is a beautiful movie based on the life of a linguistics professor that finds out in hers 50 years old to have Alzheimer’s disease. Her life and struggle as mother, wife and a university professor are moving. Watch a trailer.
  15. Dark waters (2019), is based on a true story of a lawyer (Robert Bilott) in legal dispute with the major chemical company DuPont due to a contamination caused by unregulated chemicals used in Teflon and other material manufacture. A worthwhile intriguing movie, Watch a trailer.
  16. Erin Brockovich (2000), is a biographic movie of Erin Brockovich that found out a case of water contamination by chromium released by an energy corporation Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). Watch a trailer.
  17. The current war (2019), is a dramatization of the competition between Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse to provide the right electric system distribution to power the world. Watch a trailer.
  18. Stowaway (2021, Netflix), is a science-fiction movie of a mission to Mars, where an unexpected passenger comes along. Some curious aspects of carbon dioxide management and oxygen production are presented, which could spark the interest of viewers to look into those exciting advancing technologies. Watch a trailer.
  19. The boy who harnessed the Malawian wind (2019), this movie based on a true story tells us how a boy believed he could change the life of his poor community bringing water and electricity by building a windmill with no resources, but highly motivated by science and technology. Watch trailer.