Science with Humor

Cientirinhas“, is a comic strip of science, part of a major work on popularization of science with podcasts, blogs and videos (dragões da garagem) with a lot of humor as well. These strips (and the entire site) are available in English and Portuguese and are very much worth of seeing. Check them out (click here) (In Portuguese and English).

The science comic strip“, is a site that claims to combine comic strips from 18 (eighteen) leading newspapers. Check them out (click here) (In English).

Humor na Ciência“, this homepage contains a list of funny things about science (math, physics, chemistry), such as a hilarious long “sort of scientific” text made much shorter (click here), “useless” patents, “a guide of how to read a scientific paper” (click here), among others (In Portuguese).

PhD Comics” is a great site with comics related to science and scientific life, in particular of the PhD student, with over 20 years of many great stories, pay it a visit.

Symphony of Science” is a great way of talking about science through and with music. They describe themselves as “musical mashup series created by composer and filmmaker melodysheep, which aims to spread science and philosophy through remixes of prominent scientific thinkers”, high quality work that is worth a visit.

Bad project” is a Lady Gag music parody of scientific project that PhD students can be caught on, very funny made by Hui Zheng lab at BCM. (with Legends in Portuguese)

Funny cartoons” selected by Mind the Graph.

Pérola do Jô Soares“, this video contains funny answers given by students in the exams and read by the showman Jô Soares, worthwhile watching (In Portuguese).

Geek Jokes“, some “selected” ones that scientist may (or not) laugh at.