Teaching resources

This website (VIPEr) combines a large variety of activities for inorganic chemistry. Proposal of in-class activities, hands-on, literature, videos, advanced topics to be taught among many exciting things that can be applied to your class or available to students to improve their learning. Click here and find out more.

This website is a great allied to students that wish to train and learn more about symmetry, with many 3D examples (ca. 120 molecules), also organized by point group. In this site, you can find molecules and all symmetry elements associated, and better learn by seeing in 3D, highly recommended. Click here and learn more about.

This website allow us to play with orbitals, their shapes, looking at nodes, probability equations. There is an option to compare orbitals from different elements, where we can see their differences in energies and overlap them. There are also some activities as well. It is a useful way to better learn about orbitals. Click here and learn more about. If interested to read J. Chem. Educ. paper about this site, click here.

Many great simulations for teaching can be found at PhET, including one for molecular geometry, where you can build your molecule (even including lone pair) and find out the geometry, highly recommended. Many more suggestions including the photoelectric effect, molecular interactions, pH measurements, reversibility of reactions etc. They can be found in Portuguese and English. Check here.

This site contains a series of teaching tools, not only for inorganic chemistry. You can find sections on hybrid orbitals, bonding theories (crystal field and ligand field, with splittings of the orbitals) and isomerism in coordination chemistry. Check here.